You are browsing the site archives for 2021.

Two New Countries Confirmed

Two new countries have been confirmed thanks to efforts of Australian hams. VK9CE (Cocos Keeling) and VK9XX (Christmas Island) are now confirmed for ATNO #314 and 315 (current, mixed).



Received a QSL card from Ali for 6O1OO Somalia. This my ATNO #314   Thank you Ali for the new country and my last African country confirmed.

Another New One - Confirmed #313

Another New One – Confirmed #313

On March 19 at 7:00pm (midnight GMT) I was able to work VK9CE, Cocos Keeling Island for the first time. A group of 10 VK hams are vacationing on the island. This is second or third time I have tried to work VK9. The over-the -pole propagation path is particularly difficult from this QTH. I […]