Two New Countries Confirmed
Two new countries have been confirmed thanks to efforts of Australian hams. VK9CE (Cocos Keeling) and VK9XX (Christmas Island) are now confirmed for ATNO #314 and 315 (current, mixed).
Two new countries have been confirmed thanks to efforts of Australian hams. VK9CE (Cocos Keeling) and VK9XX (Christmas Island) are now confirmed for ATNO #314 and 315 (current, mixed).
Received a QSL card from Ali for 6O1OO Somalia. This my ATNO #314 Thank you Ali for the new country and my last African country confirmed.
On March 19 at 7:00pm (midnight GMT) I was able to work VK9CE, Cocos Keeling Island for the first time. A group of 10 VK hams are vacationing on the island. This is second or third time I have tried to work VK9. The over-the -pole propagation path is particularly difficult from this QTH. I […]