This oldcyberdude started out as a young lad taking apart old television and radio sets when active components glowed and before components could only be seen under a microscope. As a teenager, I became a ham thanks to the Bloomfield Amateur Radio Club, Bloomfield Ct. and thus started a life long interest in communications and antennas.
My ham activity has ebbed and flowed with demands of school, family and profession. I have had major stations with tri-band beams and a 70 ft tower. Since moving to Aiken, SC I’m no longer constrained by overly restrictive homeowner association (HOA) covenants and limited to attic antennas in a townhouse. I now enjoy an outdoor wire antenna in the trees for 160/80/40 meters. And, thanks to friendly neighbors (HOA covenants aren’t enforced), I have a hex beam for 20-10 meters. With years of operation I believe the hex beam is by far the best performing antenna for the dollars invested! My ham pages still provide my lessons learned from my townhouse days.
Besides 5 band DXCC, I also have 100 countries confirmed on 30M, 17M and 12M.

Active member of North Augusta Belvedere Radio Club and…