It’s been awhile since I’ve worked a new country. But thanks to Krishna K Kanakasapapathi, W4VKU from Cary, NC I was able to work Andaman Island for #318
Krishna is on a multi-island solo dxpedition using simultaneous FT8 stations using MSHV software for 24 hour operation. He first went to Lakshadweep Island as VU7A (worked on 40, 30 and 17M). Then on to Andaman Island as VU4N where I worked him on 30M. Andaman has been quite difficult with high local QRN and 1.8 meter tides.
Confirmed in LOTW 7/29/2024
Krish returned to Andaman Island in December 2024 and operated as VU4A. I was fortunate enough to work him on 20M and amazingly 80M! Both FT8 contacts were confirmed in LOTW on 12/18/24!

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