ATNO #319 Cambodia (XU7GNY)
In the past few days I have been able to work XU7GNY on both 10M and 15M FT8. Tom has been using Clublog Live Stream so I have been able to confirm real time being in his log.
In the past few days I have been able to work XU7GNY on both 10M and 15M FT8. Tom has been using Clublog Live Stream so I have been able to confirm real time being in his log.
It’s been awhile since I’ve worked a new country. But thanks to Krishna K Kanakasapapathi, W4VKU from Cary, NC I was able to work Andaman Island for #318 Krishna is on a multi-island solo dxpedition using simultaneous FT8 stations using MSHV software for 24 hour operation. He first went to Lakshadweep Island as VU7A (worked […]
Been quite sometime since I have made an ATNO. Last night I was able to work Thierry, FT8WW on Crozet Island on 30M FT8. Crozet Island is #2 on the East Coast Wanted list for all modes and digital. With the large number of stations calling I was quite fortunate. I confirmed I’m in his […]
Two new countries have been confirmed thanks to efforts of Australian hams. VK9CE (Cocos Keeling) and VK9XX (Christmas Island) are now confirmed for ATNO #314 and 315 (current, mixed).
Received a QSL card from Ali for 6O1OO Somalia. This my ATNO #314 Thank you Ali for the new country and my last African country confirmed.
On March 19 at 7:00pm (midnight GMT) I was able to work VK9CE, Cocos Keeling Island for the first time. A group of 10 VK hams are vacationing on the island. This is second or third time I have tried to work VK9. The over-the -pole propagation path is particularly difficult from this QTH. I […]
Thanks to the only active ham (Ali, 6O1OO) in Somalia I was able to add this country to my ATNO. Ali is to be congratulated for all his efforts in keeping Somalia on the air. Somalia is my last country to be confirmed in the African continent.
Thanks to improved propagation on 12 meters (24 MHz) I now have DXCC on this band. I now have DXCC on 8 bands (80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10 meters). With my current antennas I am unlikely to make DXCC on 160 or 6 anytime soon.
First new country in MANY MANY months. Between the sunspot minimum (poor HF propagation) and COVID-19 shutting down DXpeditions, new countries have been very hard to come by. Three days ago (11/15) I was lucky enough to work 9V1YC (Singapore) on 30M FT8 for #312 (mixed, current). I have been watching James on PSK Reporter […]
Today I received LOTW confirmation of my initial 20M FT8 contact with VP8PJ, South Orkney Island. This is my #311 country (mixed). Since this initial 20M contact, I have worked VP8PJ on 17M and 40M FT8 as well as 30M RTTY. I’m waiting confirmation on these contacts. Log uploads are difficult from the island because […]