The ARRL Field Day is the last full weekend in June, June 24 & 25. After a break in operations do to the Covid pandemic, our 2023 Field Day site will be the same as previous pre-pandemic years at the Aiken County Government Center on University Blvd. See the map below for directions.
The objective is to contact as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands and to learn to operate in conditions similar to those in a real emergency. This includes setting up temporary stations and antennas; operating without commercial power. We will be using the Aiken County Emergency Management Communications trailer as a base of operations.
The public is encouraged to visit our site on Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning.
The club has decided on a more modest effort (everyone is getting older) of 2@ SSB stations and 1@ digital FT8 station. A catered meal will be provided Saturday evening for members supporting the operations.