Test DIXPRS Operation

  1. To start dixprs execute this command.

/usr/local/dixprs/dixprs.py -c /usr/local/dixprs/config.txt

You should see an output like this:

*** DIXPRS 2.2.2 – 05-09-2012 – (pid=2008)

*** AIR0 process started [No description] (pid=2011))
*** IGATE process started [host=rotate.aprs2.net, port=14580] (pid=2012)
*** WEBSR process started [port=9999] (pid=2013)
*** Connection established

10:34:30z AIR0 <- LOCL WB5NHL-5>APDI22,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2:>DIXPRS 2.2.2 u p and running
*** Connection successful to T2USANE
10:34:30z AIR0 <- LOCL WB5NHL-5>APDI22,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2:>Connected to T 2HUN count 1/0
10:35:27z AIR0 <- LOCL WB5NHL-5>APDI22,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2:=S6l2*PG`G# sTDIXPRS 2.2.2


Now that dixprs is running you should be able to see your i-gate at aprs.fi. You should also see the APRS data coming in your radio if it is connected and TNC-PI is receiving APRS packets.


Click HERE to learn how to have DIXPRS startup whenever the Raspberry Pi is started.